Welcome to My World
Hello everybody! Welcome to my blog. You might be wondering how you ended up on this page. I wouldn’t know: the internet is a mysterious place. But I do know that now that you’re here I’d like for you to stay awhile and learn a bit about why I am starting a blog. Who knows, maybe you’ll read something that interests you!
I wanted to start a blog to share my experiences with like-minded people who have questions or concerns about adventuring. I’m still working out what niche this blog will ultimately fill, but it will most likely have to do with one of my passions of world travel, backpacking, and outdoor education; the best part is, these all go hand in hand so I won’t stray from the common theme of nature connection!
When I started to write this, I was sitting at a charging station on layover in AICM, el Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (I know, what a mouthful). I was on my way to Santiago, Chile where I will be studying Spanish and Forestry Engineering at la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile for the majority of 2019. Why? you might ask. Because why not?! And also because it’s a great way to learn a language and what an amazing adventure.
“Because why not?!”
Also, have you seen Chile?? I mean, wow. Just. Wow. You’re doubtful, I can tell. Go open a new tab in your browser and enter “Chile” into it and then do an image search. Even without any qualifiers or adjectives, that search alone brings up absolutely glorious snow topped volcanoes, towering skyscrapers, llamas (or alpacas I’ll never know the difference and apparently they are both found in Chile), and untouched lakes. And to think that Chile also has thousands of miles of coastline, penguins, and the driest desert in the world!
It has been about three weeks since I started to write this post, and sadly this is the first time I have had a chance to sit down and continue writing. I have been so busy getting to know all of the amazing people in my program and taking a Spanish class to prepare for actually university classes in Spanish. I promised myself I would get something down before I head down to Punta Arenas and Puerto Williams, the furthest south city IN THE WORLD, to backpack and hostel hop for the next two weeks before classes actually start. I will tell you all about my adventure when I get back! Thank you so much for reading.
Stay tuned for more 🙂
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