Affiliate Marketing Disclosure

Just a Girl and a Backpack would like to disclose that we participate in Affiliate Marketing, which means we include links to products that we are familiar with and would like to recommend or review, with the possibility of resulting payment: If the customer clicks on those affiliate links, or purchases a product via those links, Just a Girl and a Backpack may receive a compensation, at no extra cost to the customer, for advertising a product. Our posts will be truthful and unbiased about the products, for better or for worse, and the potential for a commission will not affect the information we provide about the products. 

Please see our Privacy Policy to learn more about how this affects your privacy and data collection.

Companies we are Affiliated with:

Chicken Tramper Ultralight Gear (CTUG)

“All of our gear is made by hikers, for hikers and tested to withhold thousands of miles. Made in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, our gear standards are out of this world.” (from CTUG’s website)

CTUG is a cool, up-and-coming ultralight gear company that sells all sorts of UL accessories for backpackers and thru-hikers. They have water bottle sleeves of different sizes, other shoulder strap gear like pouches,  wallets, fanny packs, day packs, and more! They even make some gear to order, with your choice of color combinations.

I first came across one of their water bottle holders at Triple Crown Outfitters in Kennedy Meadows on the PCT, and it was photos of me on IG with their old gear tagged that had them reaching out to me about their affiliate program.

Gear review posts with their gear include:

    • Chicken Tramper Ultralight Gear “Ultralight Wallet” Review

Garage Grown Gear (GGG)


“GGG is your hub for all things ultralight. Dedicated to supporting the growth of small and cottage brands, we sell the outdoor gear we love, tell the stories we find thought provoking, and strive to cultivate an inclusive, approachable, and curious outdoor community. Great gear helps people get outside, and getting outside matters.” (from GGG’s website)

Garage Grown Gear is a reseller for many different small businesses in the Ultralight backpacking community. I like to order things from their site when I have a lot of little things to order and don’t want a million boxes and all the associated packaging to be sent, and or when I am lazy and don’t want to go to a bunch of different websites to order stuff before a hike. They also sometimes have site-wide deals that are great to capitalize on.

Gear review posts where you can find links to their website include:

    • Chicken Tramper Ultralight Gear “Ultralight Wallet” Review

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