Chicken Tramper Ultralight Wallet Review
Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links on this ultralight wallet review may be affiliate links. When you purchase something via these links, I may receive a form of compensation. My reviews will be unbiased and well-rounded. Check out my Privacy Policy for more information. On the trail or on the town, this CTUG wallet is a colorful accessory for any environment! In April of 2022 I had to leave the PCT after only 450 miles because I ran out of money. Two emails in my inbox kept me from being too dejected. One was from a summer camp offering me a job as a backpacking instructor. The other email was from Chicken Tramper Ultralight…
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, NOBO PCT 2022, Pacific Crest Trail, Trail Journals, West Coast
PCT 2022: Cabezon to Big Bear Lake
Low desert or ski town, the wind was relentless the whole way. We had our first snow storm, and vortexed in town for 3 days. Read on for my trail journals for the PCT nobo Cabezon to Big Bear Lake section
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, NOBO PCT 2022, Pacific Crest Trail, Trail Journals, West Coast
PCT 2022: Idyllwild to Cabezon
From freezing high altitude evergreens with snow, to low, windy desert, we marched on. Read on to hear about my trail journal for PCT Nobo 2022 from Idyllwild to Cabezon.
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, NOBO PCT 2022, Pacific Crest Trail, Trail Journals, West Coast
PCT 2022: Warner Springs to Idyllwild
We came out of the chilly, windy mountains to our first zero days in the cute little hiker friendly town of Idyllwild. Read on to hear about the PCT nobo sections Warner Springs to Idyllwild.
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, NOBO PCT 2022, Pacific Crest Trail, Trail Journals, West Coast
PCT 2022: Julian to Warner Springs
More freezing, wet nights and I'd think we we weren't in the desert! Only the hot days make sense. Read on for my 3rd trail journal posting for PCT 2022: Julian to Warner Springs
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, NOBO PCT 2022, Pacific Crest Trail, Trail Journals, West Coast
PCT 2022: Mount Laguna to Julian
With our first resupply down, we're starting to actually feel like we're on the trail for real. Read on to hear my trail journals for the 2nd section of the PCT, Mount Laguna to Julian.
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, NOBO PCT 2022, Pacific Crest Trail, Trail Journals, West Coast
PCT 2022: Campo to Mount Laguna
And so begins my journey northbound through the desert. Canada bound! Read on for my nobo PCT trail journals from Campo to Mount Laguna.
PCT 2022: Preparation to Get Back on Trail
I'm attempting at least a section of the PCT again this year. Here's how I prepared myself and my gear.
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, Lady and Minority Hikers, Leave No Trace, Pacific Crest Trail, SOBO PCT 2021, Solo Hikers, Trail Journals, Trails, Trip Itineraries, Ultralight, United States of America, West Coast
PCT 2021: Hughes Lake to Agua Dulce
Here is the 18th installation of my PCT trail journal (about two weeks off the present timeline as a safety precaution). I made a really tough decision when I got to Agua Dulce with my friends. I decided that I was going to head home early. I haven't yet decided if I'll get back on after Thanksgiving, or if this is it until next year.
- Backpacking & Thru-Hiking, California, Lady and Minority Hikers, Leave No Trace, Pacific Crest Trail, SOBO PCT 2021, Solo Hikers, Trail Journals, Trails, Trip Itineraries, Ultralight, United States of America, West Coast
PCT 2021: Tehachapi to Hikertown to Hughes Lake
Here is the 17th installation of my PCT trail journal. In this section I was supposed to make it to Acton where my friends Chunky Chuckwalla and Smiley were going to join me for the weekend. But all of the negative emotions and lack of motivation that had been dogging me over the last week or so had finally come to a head, and I had to get off trail early at Lake Hughes for a little R&R.